Comfort for the Neurotic in ALL of Us:

The Adventures of an EX-Bipolar Girl

Archive for the tag “Worry”

Who of You…?

Worrying never helped a baby
being born
or comforted someone
on their death bed.

It never helped anyone get a job
or a date
or an answer
to a really burning question.

It never stopped a war
or a train speeding out of control
or any number of natural disasters
large or small.

Worry never stopped a robbery in progress
or a plane from being late
or fixed a flat tire
or ended a religious debate.

It doesn’t keep the Earth spinning on its axis
or give the moon its light.
It never helped the whales migrate
or the blooming jasmine release its scent at night.

When last I looked
worry only accomplished
a whole lot of nothing.


Who of you, by worrying…?
what and why have you, by worrying…?
Where and when have you, by worrying…?

…ever accomplished a single important thing in this life?

Matthew 6:27

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