Comfort for the Neurotic in ALL of Us:

The Adventures of an EX-Bipolar Girl

Unpleasant Surprise part II

I went to sleep thinking my poor old ex-dentist was dead. I woke up thinking about my poor old dead ex-dentist. Then, I flipped on my laptop and the very first thing I see is an email from my not-dead-ex-dentist! Turns out he wasn’t the victim of foul play… a family emergency called him back to the mainland. Why they couldn’t have just said that is beyond me. But I will not waste time being put out — I’m just glad Dr. G is alive. 🙂

When I think of all the needless drama I put myself through because I listened to a lie told to me by my overactive imagination I feel rather stupid. But if I also factor in the depth of concern that I felt for somebody I barely know, I have to count that as a win. The girl who used to say that she “didn’t have any warm fuzzies” and that she “wasn’t wired to care about other people” cared yesterday. A lot.

All of this brings to the forefront one important thing that we should never lose sight of, but generally do: nothing surprises God. While I was running around chasing my own tail last night, God knew that my dentist was safe in the bosom of his family. What was an unpleasant surprise to me, was old news to Jesus. And when I woke up and got that email I was happy as all get out… but, again, not news to Jesus. Nothing surprises him. The good, the bad, the ugly, and the indifferent… none of it surprises Jesus. Not even my reaction to it.

SO, it was no surprise to him when my friend came over for our prayer meeting. She comes every Friday, so it wasn’t even a surprise to me. Tonight was different though. When she came in a wave of anger came in with her that was so strong it almost knocked me over. I could feel it rolling off of her as she prayed. Every time she finished praying I’d pick up my Bible and pray for the Word because nothing coming out of my mouth would have made a dent in the rage and anger coming off of her. I could feel her pain without taking it on myself, but it was kinda scary. I can share this comfortably because it had a happy ending. For her. By the time we were done praying she had a peace that could only have come from God showing up.

Too bad God wasn’t the only one to show up at my house. My landlady is out of the country right now. She told me that while she was away the house would be empty. Well, it hasn’t been empty and the inhabitants have parked a bunch of cars and a huge trailer with two jet skis in the front yard bringing a whole new meaning to the term “ghetto”, but since the people haven’t disturbed me I haven’t said anything. Tonight they disturbed me.  It was just after 7:30 when I get a knock on the door. This wild eyed guy is telling me that my friend and I have to move our cars because he’s going to park his jet skis in my back yard there for a few weeks. I’d noticed the huge jet skis in the front yard because they’re kinda hard to miss. Now this complete stranger was insisting that I had to lose my parking spot in my yard — the yard that I’ve pumped several hundred dollars landscaping — so he could park his stupid skis.

My anger level went from 0 to ballistic in 0.3 seconds. Here I’d been counseling my friend about anger only to be facing the snarling, drooling beast head on (Anger, not the guy). He wasn’t snarling or drooling. He just was not very nice about it. If I’d responded in anger it would have gotten ugly. Instead of making a scene I gave in. I’d take it up with my landlady when she got back. Before I went out to move the car I confessed my anger to my friend and asked her to pray for me. I was grumbling when I moved my car. When he almost backed his trailer over my nice little fence protecting my cute little trees I was seeing several shades of red. Talk about unpleasant surprise! If it’d happened two weeks ago I wouldn’t have cared. I couldn’t drive then. He could have just parked it behind my car. Now that I can drive I need to be able to get in and out of my car without hurting myself.

Then out of nowhere… Jesus reminds me that this was not a surprise to him.  If I acted on my anger I would be a big old flamin’  hypocrite to my friend and to the three people moving the jet skis who had no doubt heard us praying through the paper thin walls.  If Jesus wanted a couple of jet skis parked in his yard, who was I to argue? My anger was dialing down a few notches. I asked the guy’s name. Turns out it’s Guy. I shook the guy’s hand which had to have surprised him and then wished them a good night. Does it bother me that there are two jet skis parked where my car is supposed to be? Yes. Does it bother me that they could have done this during the day instead of at night  during my prayer group? Yep. I don’t want to add lying on top of my selfish anger… but the main thing I got out of tonight is that  if I argue for my right to be angry then it’s going to own me.

I don’t like surprises. Especially the unpleasant variety, but Jesus knew every link in the chain of tonight’s events and nothing surprises him. Not even the godly way I decided to deal with my anger: after my friend left I did my dishes and sang worship songs and by the time I was done I didn’t even feel angry anymore. The tightness in my chest was gone and I really did feel peaceful. Honestly? I’m not mad… annoyed, miffed, bothered… but definitely not mad and that surprises me.

Not the actual jet skis... but you get the idea.

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