Comfort for the Neurotic in ALL of Us:

The Adventures of an EX-Bipolar Girl

Archive for the day “February 10, 2017”

I Get By With a Little Help from My Friends…

Tackling all the editing that it’s going to take to get that unfinished post about this week ready to actually be posted is beyond me tonight. It’s been a crazy busy week and I’m exhausted. It can wait until tomorrow., but what about today?

Blogging every day during The Plan was a journey of discovery to me. I saw God do some pretty amazing things and I am glad I have a record of it, but I’m finding that I don’t want to come home every day and have to dig deep into my thoughts and my soul to find something that I could (or should) share here. Much of what happened to me this week was not meant to be shared in such an open forum out of respect for the innocent and not so innocent. While it’s clear that I have few qualms about baring my own dirty laundry in the name of transparency, I don’t feel that it’s very ethical of me to share somebody else’s just because their adventure happened to intersect with mine. SO… I am going to edit that post in progress this weekend when I’m not so tired but I have been grappling with what to do with this blog on a daily basis since I completely discontinued the lithium.

I’ve been nursing the idea of bringing some levity into the Bipolar Bubble. I still intend this to be a Christ-centered blog where I actively seek what God is doing in and around my life… so I can bring comfort to the “neurotic in all of us,” but I don’t want to be so intense all the time. Plus, I wanted a format that I could stick to even when I don’t feel like blogging or don’t know if I should share sensitive information. I came up with an idea that sounded good to me. I do theme weeks in my classroom where we focus on a specific fun them for a week to get us out of the regular routine and thought that the idea could translate to my blog. After much thought I’ve come up with the following format so that my blog will conform to some easy to follow daily themes. I’m going to try it for a few months and see what I think. It seems like a good idea now, but it might turn out to be a big fat flop… but here goes…

The New and Improved Adventures of Bipolar Girl (complete with themes…):

  • Manic Mondays
  • TMI Tuesdays
  • Wisdom for Wednesdays (aka I Get By with a Little Help from My Friends)
  • Thanksgiving Thursdays
  • Fun Fact Fridays (I got this idea from my friend MH who would post Fun Facts about her life every Friday on Facebook. It seemed like a lot of fun, so I’m going to borrow the idea)

I’m not exactly sure what each of those days will look like, but once I start trying to follow the themes, things are going to start to gel for me. I think I will find it easier to write when I know that I’m not always going to feel like I have to bare my soul on a daily basis. I am introverted and very private by nature, so I think this new format is going to lighten things up a bit. I’m not sure what to do about Saturdays and Sundays yet… but I’m sure something will come to me. So for now, I’m going to cut this short by ending with my First Friday Fun Facts:

  1. I have seven sisters, two brothers, two half sisters, a stepbrother, and an untold number of foster brothers and sisters. I normally stop the count at 15. (Un)forunately, I’m actually estranged from all but one of them, but I trust that God can and will change things in his timing.
  2. Apple pie is the only pie worth eating. It is the one true pie.
  3. In Junior High school I studied Russian and can still remember how to sing the Russian alphabet.
  4.  Both my middle and my last names are hyphenated.
  5. I can swim, but I can’t tread water. I nearly drowned twice so I stay out of the water even though I live on an island.
  6. Ok. I really stay out of the water because I’m convinced that sharks like dark meat and I’m not taking any chances. 😉
  7. Back in college I was in a sorority (Which is shocking to people who actually know me now)
  8. In my sophomore year, I backpacked across Europe by myself one summer (which is also shocking to people who know me now since I get lost with alarming regularity)
  9. In High school I was in a Beauty Pageant and won “Miss Congeniality.”
  10. I like making Top Ten Lists and have a list for just about everything.

Today is February 10 and writing the First Friday Fun Facts really was fun!

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